Export Animation to Unreal

Much the same as the rig export workflow the animation was exported with a preset, the UE_animation. The export for the animation required an additional step. Although the FBX preset had Bake Animation checked I found that the result were sometimes inconsistent, mainly due to scenes having other constraints that required baking before export.


This is a part of the script I created to speed up the exports. This would be run for each asset in the animation scene, also I would bake scene specific constraints. The FBX exports would all be saved in the shot and versioned.


The shot camera is exported in the same way, performing a bake and then using the UE_animation preset. The only difference is that the animated camera is part of a custom rig and so part of the export process was to create a clean camera, duplicated and matched to the animated camera and then baked out. The bake was also scripted to keep the process efficient.

Naming conventions keep everything logical, [Shot Number] _ [Name of Asset] _ [Version Number]


Exporting Rigs to Unreal


Project Setup