Editor Splash Customisation

I’m a visual person so I’m always looking for ways to improve the look of my scenes, Unreal gives us many ways to tailor the engine to our preferences, here is something I enjoy far too much, not so much a tip, more a way to spend some downtime.


Open your Project Settings window and in the search bar type, splash. You can always navigate to it via,



You can get the image size requirements by hovering over the Editor Splash image, simply make a canvas 600 x 200 and you’re good to go.


I use GIMP for my personal projects, it’s a little clunky but works a treat for basic image manipulation like this. I take several screen shots when working in Unreal, mainly for reference but they come in handy for tasks like this.


The end result, just a small visual improvement for your projects, and it’s miles better than Unreal’s grey default splash.


Another handy tip, you can use a custom image for your projects thumbnail, which you’ll see in the launcher. For this I just punch in on my main splash and find a suitable composition. The image size should be 192 x 192.


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